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Raise Up the Next Generation of Saints!
Young people are searching for truth and faith—you can help them find it. This Lent, we’re raising $200,000 by March 21st to equip the next generation to stand strong in their faith.
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Pics Or It Didn’t Happen
By Kari Hoeft  •  February 28th, 2019

Picture this: three girls, hand in hand and in mid-air just before they splash into the beautifully blue water below them…an impossibly delicious-looking waffle, topped with whipped cream and perfectly sliced strawberries, posing on a wooden table with a crisp white tablecloth, on a balcony overlooking the city at the break of dawn…a man in…

Making Choosing Life A Reality
By Laura Riebe  •  February 27th, 2019

“Choose life.” It’s a simple motto but a significant endeavor. I often see it posted on signs and hear it chanted at pro-life marches, but how does this choice play out in real life? Sometimes the choice is easy. We see excited parents-to-be posting ultrasounds on Facebook and having gender reveal parties for their tiny,…

What We Don’t Say Matters
By Jesse Orenge  •  February 26th, 2019

Have you ever asked yourself how the words and actions that you say and/or do affect others? I think sometimes we are guilty of saying or doing things that we don’t recognize the effects they have on the people we encounter throughout our lives. I chose to talk with some other friends about the situation…

47 Reasons to Love
By Ally Klekas  •  February 25th, 2019

On August 10th 2005, my sixth little brother was born. August 11th 2005, my family was told he had Down syndrome. At the age of twelve I had no idea what this meant. Due to this, I assumed he would never be able to talk, walk, or laugh. When I went to the hospital I…

If The Body is a Gift, I Must Admit, I Didn’t Like Mine
By Kiki Rocha  •  February 24th, 2019

Ever since I could remember I was hyper aware of my body and would study it in front of the mirror. I was a very insecure little girl always listening to my family call me “gorda” which is an endearing term in the Latino culture for “big-boned” . Once in the fifth grade, my teacher…

Being Unreservedly Yourself
By Angel Rodriguez  •  February 23rd, 2019

“Christian heroism, and indeed one perhaps sees little enough of that, is to risk unreservedly being oneself.” -Soren Kierkegaard Growing up in this culture can have a way of making us forget who we are and what we have been created for. As a kid, I was super into music, art, and being straight up…

If I Respect Myself, Why Does Modesty Matter?
By Genesis Gutierrez  •  February 22nd, 2019

When I hear this question I immediately think of my past self that too had this same question. This only became more prevalent when I started working out and noticed how much my hard work was paying off. I know some girls can relate that while getting dressed we can many times really notice and…

Friendship with the Complementary Sex
By Peter Santiago  •  February 21st, 2019

We both left feeling unheard and rejected. My friend and I recently met with an important group of people, but left without getting a chance to share our ideas. I asked my friend what her thoughts were regarding the experience, and she expressed that, “they asked us for our opinions, but did not give us…


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