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Remembering David Sao. June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024
June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024

Page 37 of 42
You don’t have to white knuckle it!
By Angel Rodriguez  •  March 17th, 2019

First off, let me begin by saying, you are loved! Amidst your struggles or if you read this with the intention of speaking with a friend who struggles with an addiction to pornography, remember that fact. Secondly, let me debunk the idea of “white knuckling.” We tend to believe that the only thing we have…

To Flirt or Not to Flirt?
By Laura Riebe  •  March 16th, 2019

“Laura, you’re such a flirt! That brother has no idea what hit him!” My friend’s words stung as she analyzed an interaction with a guy I just met. As she reviewed the details of the encounter, I tried to see where I went wrong. All I did was share a little bit about myself and…

Identity & Sexuality
By Lauren Roach  •  March 15th, 2019

Who am I? Even though our culture places a huge emphasis on sexual identity and attraction, the reality is that sexuality and attraction are a part of identity, but not the basis. Certainly, my identity is inseparable from my sexuality, because it is a significant aspect of my humanity and most definitely influences my experience…

Are you too picky?
By Genesis Gutierrez  •  March 14th, 2019

You know what I’m tired of. I’m tired of getting the same reaction from people when I tell them I’ve never had a boyfriend. What. You’ve never heard of a twenty two year old who has never had a boyfriend? It’s always the same reaction. “Why haven’t you?”. Then comes the questions they’re thinking but…

Masturbation. What’s the Big Deal?
By Krista Ingrilli  •  March 13th, 2019

The other day I came across a magazine article by Cosmopolitan that popped up in my “Featured” feed on Snapchat that read: “8 Health Benefits of Masturbation.” Naturally, I’m always so shocked at the racy content that finds its way into my social media feeds, and how easily accessible it is even when I’m not…

Eyes of Love
By Peter Santiago  •  March 12th, 2019

“And if I asked you about love you would probably quote me a sonnet, but you’ve never looked at a woman and been truly vulnerable. Known someone that could level you with her eyes.” This is my favorite quote from the film Good Will Hunting. There are plenty ways of “looking at people.” We look…

Responding To Our Suffering
By Jesse Orenge  •  March 10th, 2019

How do we respond when faced with suffering? I know often times, I am quick to run to the things of the world looking for comfort though I know that I should run to God first. Why is it that we so often choose to run away from Him? Rather we seek to find happiness…

But I love him.
By Krista Ingrilli  •  March 9th, 2019

When I was in high school my principal brought in a chastity speaker. I explicitly remember not wanting to give the speaker the time of day, especially when she told me that I should not be sexually active with my boyfriend and that a conversation about boundaries needed to happen. Like, WHO ARE YOU and…


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