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Remembering David Sao. June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024
June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024

All Articles

Does Love Make You Weak?
By Trace Flax  •  January 20th, 2022

The other day, I googled “does love make you weak” out of sheer interest in other people’s thoughts.  Growing up, the shows and movies I would watch would almost always have some character like Max in a Goofy Movie who would turn into a bumbling idiot whenever his crush Roxanne was around him. However, I…

Taking Back Our Innocence
By Cam B.  •  January 18th, 2022

There is a particular obsession in our culture with “losing your innocence.” You can see it just about anywhere: the beauty ads in the mall targeted at teens, the sexualized billboards on the highway, or, as is often my case, watching coming-of-age rom-coms with my little sister.  After collecting a sturdy sample size, I’ve noticed…

Men, We are Responsible for Women
By Alex O'Connor  •  January 13th, 2022

Today in Catholic circles, discussions of modesty and controlling one’s eyes can very quickly become heated arguments that leave men and women alike feeling angry, disrespected, unheard, and ashamed.  The tension often rests on determining who bears the responsibility of upholding the other’s dignity. Is it up to the women to dress modestly so as…

A Guide on Healing
By Clare  •  January 6th, 2022

In Christian circles, we hear about wounds and healing from those wounds all the time. We understand that these wounds are typically not physical, but rather they are deeply emotional; ones that have a lasting effect. But what does it mean to seek healing? What does it mean to ultimately be healed? Until fairly recently…

Finding a Good Community
By MacKenzi  •  September 9th, 2021

“Saints are like grapes, they come in bunches.” This is a quote that has stuck with me since the first time I heard it from a priest my freshman year of college. I was fresh out of high school and ready to take on the world, having moved three hours away from home to attend…

Do You Brush Your Teeth?: How Chastity and Brushing Your Teeth Are More Similar Than You Think.
By Olivia  •  September 7th, 2021

When you were a kid did you ever totally forget to brush your teeth? Whether it was because you were staying up late  into the wee hours of the night making prank calls, snacking on pizza and oreos, or a late night post soccer tournament and you were dead exhausted? Because I know I totally…

Bullying, Repression, and Healing
By Parker B.  •  September 2nd, 2021

I saw his face pop up from the seat in front of me. “Well, what do we have today?” I remained silent. The bus, far from being brand new, jumped and rattled violently with every little bump in the road it passed over. I clinched onto my lunch box tighter and stared out the window,…

Stepping up the the Plate to Be a Better Brother
By Cam B.  •  August 31st, 2021

I write this coming back home for the first time after several months of mission.  The window on my plane flight home presents to me a cloudy sky lit ablaze by the waning sunset. It’s dramatic and theatrical, much like my writing tone.  Mission life has given me a unique opportunity to reflect upon and…


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