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Remembering David Sao. June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024
June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024

Page 36 of 42
I’ma need space, I’ma, I’ma need space
By Genesis Gutierrez  •  March 28th, 2019

I’ve never been one to know what was the right thing to say. When my friends would be going through any type of turmoil or crying I would usually be left mouth wide open unsure of what to say. I would never want to say anything wrong or just say meaningless comfort words. I also…

Is It Too Late For Me?
By Dominic Figueroa  •  March 27th, 2019

A college student approached me and asked if we could talk. We sat down and he began to tell me about how he was actively involved in the hook-up culture. He would go to bars, meet women, get drunk, and wake up with them the next day wondering what had happened. He told me, “I…

Save Sex or Safe Sex?
By Bianca Herrera  •  March 26th, 2019

“ I really respect Chastity and all that you said, it was a good talk, I enjoyed it, I just wanted to ask what made you want to speak on Chastity and not on safe sex, because the reality is by the time high schoolers graduate high school they have already had sex.” This was…

I Don’t Want to Feel This Way: Tips for Healing After a Breakup
By Erick M.  •  March 23rd, 2019

A short while ago my team had to do a 2 hour commute to get to a parish that we had been invited to speak at. To pass the time, we decided to jump on The Culture Project’s Instagram account to answer questions from our followers. We received a bevy of different questions ranging from…

No Examination, No virtue
By Lucas Wollschlager  •  March 22nd, 2019

How have I loved today? Imagine if this question was the last thing you pondered each and every day. Personally, I am so far from that. My day usually ends with turning the lights off and hopping on my phone or totally ignoring the last 16 hours that I spent awake by going straight to…

What Taylor Swift Taught Me About Break-Ups
By Kari Hoeft  •  March 21st, 2019

“As far as I’m concerned, you’re just another picture to burn.” Taylor Swift fanatic or not, I bet a good number of you just sang this well-known lyric in your head, maybe even out loud! Either way, I’m sure all of us could come up with more than a few other lyrics like it –…

Get Over Yourself
By Caitlin Bostrom  •  March 20th, 2019

“Man cannot find himself except through a sincere gift of self.” I was recently helping out at a Sophomore retreat, sharing the message of chastity and the beauty of authentic love. Love that demands something of us…or maybe even everything of us. Going into small groups after my presentation, I didn’t realize the battle I…

The Thief of Joy
By Bianca Herrera  •  March 19th, 2019

Theodore Roosevelt once said “Comparison is the thief of  joy.” This pierces right through me; he is so right. Whenever we compare our brokenness, our weakness, our wounds, our flaws, whether they be physical, intellectual or spiritual, we lose sight of the gift that we are; we lose sight of our uniqueness. We dehumanize ourselves;…


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