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Social Distancing vs Social Isolation: Your Field Guide to Cultivating Communion
By Alex Ross  •  March 22nd, 2020

The human person is not created for isolation. We are made for communion. Physically, psychologically, and spiritually, we flourish as human beings when we have a sense of greater connection to others, and to the world around us! During this time of quarantine, let’s fight to keep social distancing from becoming synonymous with social isolation.…

Ancient, Flawed Ideologies That We Still See Today
By Cam B.  •  July 21st, 2022

My choice to study the classics (ancient history and languages) is a gift that keeps on giving. I can read languages that nobody speaks anymore. I now have pen pals that lived well before sliced bread was even a dream. I know how to tie a toga. Toga party heroics aside, I’ve gained something much…

Your True Identity Lies in Christ
By Cam B.  •  June 9th, 2022

Our generation is facing a unique and intense struggle with identity.  There have never been more boxes we can put around ourselves: GPAs, physical appearances, and even Spotify Wrapped statistics. All of these descriptors, however trivial, can carry tremendous weight in the feedback loop that dominates our minds. The categories we put ourselves in, however…

In the Waiting
By Brenna Dillon  •  May 5th, 2022

We wait all the time. We wait in line at the grocery store with mom and dad. We wait in the car driving in traffic. We wait for the host to call us to our table at a restaurant for dinner. We wait for the right time and write words. We even wait in line…

You are Not a Cosmic Accident
By Brenna Dillon  •  April 12th, 2022

Did you ever hear those fairytale stories about how babies come into existence, like the stork that dropped Dumbo off to his mom in swaddling blankets? Well for me, I grew up believing that the FedEx shipping company dropped me off on my birthday. This was something my sister told me all of the time;…

Why We Are Called To Do Mission
By Sebastian  •  November 19th, 2020

I never would have imagined myself becoming a missionary. To be honest, I never cared enough to do it. Instead I focused on myself, like doing well in school, playing a lot of soccer, and enjoying my time with friends and having fun. Although I was raised in a Catholic household, religion and faith felt…

Getting BITTER or getting BETTER?
By Krista Ingrilli  •  September 21st, 2019

I grew up in a very multicultural home. My mother is Thai and my father is Italian. Often I find that my temperament and my demeanor favors more with my Italian side. They match up in all of the stereotypical ways as well. Yes, I ALWAYS use my hands when I talk, I can be…

When Loving Your Parents Gets Difficult
By Kiki Rocha  •  March 30th, 2019

Do you remember a moment during your childhood when you saw your parents as invincible? I vividly recall a night in Mexico when my mom became my wonder woman. We were on vacation and staying at my grandfather’s home when I wake up from a deep sleep to a ruckus. Once I gained all of…


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