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Can You Use Protection When You Are Married?
January 14th, 2021

Question: Can you use protection when you are married? Isn’t it crazy to think about how a new human life could have been brought about asexually like a strawberry or yeast. It could have been designed sexually, but not unitively like guppies or even brought about by some sort of lifelong partner without the total…

What a 15 Minute Conversation Means for Your Relationship
March 10th, 2020

In 1994, American psychologist Dr. John Gottman reached out to 151 couples in long term marriages for a series of three 15 minute interviews. The interviews consisted of talking about the day they were having, talking about a problem area, and talking about a pleasant part of their marriage. During the course of the conversation,…

Marriage: God’s Design or Man’s Design?
July 16th, 2019

On June 26, 2015, Obergefell v. Hodges ruled that the United States of America would recognize same-sex unions as a constitutional right. The Supreme Court of America redefined marriage, and made the claim that this new form of marriage is protected by our Constitution. The judges who voted “yes” claimed that it was legal under…


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