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Megan S.
Megan S.


Megan is a 2019 graduate from Purdue University. She studied Speech Language Hearing Sciences. In high school and college, Megan was actively involved in the pro-life movement, music, and Best Buddies. While Megan calls Fishers, IN home, she loves to travel (she’s been to 20 states and 3 countries). Megan says she’s drawn to the Culture Project’s special approach to the brokenness of society. “What attracted me to the Culture Project was the unique integration of the messages of human dignity & sexual integrity. I believe when we look at the human experience in this context we see the bigger picture: our call to love.”

All Articles by
Megan S.
How to: A Guide to (finally) Asking That Girl Out
By Megan S.  •  May 4th, 2021

A few days ago, some of my girlfriends and I were lamenting over how few guys ask girls out on dates. While COVID has certainly impacted the dating scene, this issue goes way beyond the pandemic. For years, I’ve found myself and many of my amazing girl friends sitting around asking the same old questions,…

How Women of Virtue Can Form Men of Virtue
By Megan S.  •  November 10th, 2020

In the 2015 movie Cinderella, the titular character lives by the motto that her mother taught her at a young age: “Have courage and be kind”.  This saying is a good reminder that courageousness can be done in a spirit of kindness and that kindness does not mean remaining silent in the face of wrongdoing.…

Instead of Porn: Using the Internet for Virtue Not Vice
By Megan S.  •  July 16th, 2020

I’ve honestly lost count of how many days we have been quarantined. During this quarantine, people are spending more time online. This can be really helpful in fostering a sense of community. We all need connection and having a little Google Hangout session with some friends can be a great way to do this. However,…

How Pornography Stole My Trust in Men and How I Stole It Back Coping with the Way Porn Affects Those I Love
By Megan S.  •  May 17th, 2020

Dear Sister, The other day, I was on Google Hangouts with two of my guy friends (because #SocialDistancing) and the topic of how pornography negatively impacts dating relationships came up. One of them asked me how long I would want a man to be free from pornography before I would date them. Even though I…

3 Things I Saw Online That Gave Me Hope
By Megan S.  •  April 25th, 2020

The Coronavirus has the whole world feeling anxious and often helpless. I’ve felt myself asking the question “What can I really do?” I’m not a doctor or nurse; I don’t work for the CDC and I’m not a virologist.  Healthcare providers, scientists, and essential workers have all played a vital role in minimizing the spread…

Why Won’t He Just Listen?
By Megan S.  •  March 14th, 2020

Have you ever found yourself sharing your problems with a guy and leave more frustrated than before? I certainly have. You start venting a problem to a guy and before you can finish the story he has made a five point plan on how to fix your problem. Girl I don’t know about you, but…

What Hillary Duff taught me about breaking up
By Megan S.  •  February 8th, 2020

Circa 2004, A Cinderella Story. Hillary Duff & Chad Michael Murray were the love story of my childhood. I’ll never forget the moment Hillary Duff’s character (Sam) walked into the men’s locker room ready to tell Chad Michael Murray (Austin) off. And boy did she. The classic line, “Waiting for you is like waiting for…

Do I REALLY Need Girl Friends?
By Megan S.  •  December 14th, 2019

Sometimes it seems easier to have all guy friends than to invest in relationships with other women. Let’s be real, they’re usually less drama, their words are never veiled with hidden meanings or insults and if they do get into an argument, they throw a few punches and then are back to being best friends…


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