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Erick M.
Erick M.


Erick graduated from the University of California, Riverside in 2018 with a BA in Media & Cultural Studies. He was born and raised in Southern California and enjoys all forms of creative expression. Erick first encountered TCP while researching the TOB for a ministry talk. Soon after, he fell in love with the teaching of TOB and it changed his life! As his journey unfolded, he felt God calling him to mission and was soon presented an opportunity to both serve and educate himself further about one of his passions through TCP. "Knowledge of the Theology of the Body is a beautiful gift that God gave me when I needed it most. As a missionary, I hope to share this gift and the joy that it has brought me to those who may be experiencing what I went through."

All Articles by
Erick M.
The Importance of Community
By Erick M.  •  June 10th, 2021

“As much as we love you and the work you do around here, you need more than we can offer. You need to take a leap of faith and go somewhere that can take you deeper.” At the time, those weren’t the words I wanted to hear. What I didn’t realize, however, was that God…

Practicals for Parents: Invest In the Relationship
By Erick M.  •  May 25th, 2021

Some may read the title and think, “well of course, I already do that.” If so, great! Nonetheless, I want to introduce another element to this that may be helpful. You see, investing in a relationship with your child can take many forms. Because you, as parents, play such a crucial role in their life,…

“What Are We?”
By Erick M.  •  December 15th, 2020

Have you ever found yourself questioning where you stand with someone? Now I don’t mean whether or not you’re on good terms with this person. I’m referring to the age old questions that have molded dating culture to what it is today. Are we just friends? Are we more than friends? Are we “talking” now…

An Island Called “Your Relationship”
By Erick M.  •  September 17th, 2020

“Don’t let your relationship become an island.” This is a phrase that I’ve heard so many speakers use at different conferences and retreats over the course of my faith journey. For many years, however, I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. I’d think to myself, “I see my family and friends every day. What’s…

Reclaiming the Breakup Culture
By Erick M.  •  September 3rd, 2020

“Breaking up is hard to do.” Or so the saying goes. But, in all honesty,  it doesn’t have to be. Hear me out. Be honest, be intentional, and, for the love of all that is good, don’t do it over text.  Now that last part may seem silly, but I’ve witnessed it so many times…

Sexting (What To Do)
By Erick M.  •  June 30th, 2020

A while back I wrote about an experience I had where I found myself on the receiving end of a sext that was not intended for me. If you’d like to read it for context, click here. Since then, it’s been on my heart to write some sort of follow up. This time, however, I’d…

Absence Is to Love What Wind Is to Fire
By Erick M.  •  May 23rd, 2020

“Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it inflames the great.” | Roger de Bussy-Rabutin The plans were set, my time off was approved, and my plane ticket was purchased; it was early-February 2020. March eventually rolled around and the event on my calendar crept closer. I was just…

Modesty Is (Also) For The Boys
By Erick M.  •  April 26th, 2020

Gentlemen, it’s time we have an honest conversation about modesty. Now I know what you may be thinking: “Modesty? Isn’t that just for women?” The short answer is no. The truth is, there is a growing need to talk about this subject with both young boys and adult men. I know that isn’t a widely…


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