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Parker B.
Parker B.


Parker is a 2019 graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University with a BA in Communication. He grew up in the town of Denham Springs, Louisiana and is an avid basketball fan, casual poetry writer, and lover of life. Parker first encountered the Culture Project when a missionary visited his university’s student center. As someone who is passionate about love, virtue, and the writings of St. John Paul II, he immediately felt a strong pull towards their mission. After much discernment, he answered the Lord’s call to serve as a Culture Project missionary and share his passion with others. “Everyone is made for love and so everyone longs for it deeply. If no one ever tells us where true love is found, how will we ever find it? I hope to speak the truth and help others find this Love they long for.”

All Articles by
Parker B.
10 JPII Quotes To Get You Fired Up Today or Any Day:⠀
By Parker B.  •  October 22nd, 2021

1. “Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let out your nets for a catch.”⠀ 2. “It is necessary that the heroic becomes daily and that the daily becomes heroic.”⠀ 3. “Genuine love…is demanding. But its beauty lies precisely in the demands that it makes.”⠀ 4.…

Bullying, Repression, and Healing
By Parker B.  •  September 2nd, 2021

I saw his face pop up from the seat in front of me. “Well, what do we have today?” I remained silent. The bus, far from being brand new, jumped and rattled violently with every little bump in the road it passed over. I clinched onto my lunch box tighter and stared out the window,…

When Mental Health is Part of Your Story
By Parker B.  •  July 29th, 2021

At the age of 8 I couldn’t stop touching door knobs. I mean I could stop, but it was like my brain wouldn’t let me. If I didn’t touch that knob the “right” number of times then something bad was going to happen. At least that’s what I thought. Not really thought so much as…

We’re Old Enough to Be Saints: Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
By Parker B.  •  July 15th, 2021

I was sitting in the middle of the church when it happened. The priest came up to me, knelt next to the pew I was in, and asked “Are you familiar with Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati?” To be honest, you could say I was “familiar” with him, but that was about it. I knew he…

How Negative Self-Talk Calls God a Liar
By Parker B.  •  June 3rd, 2021

I used to have an imaginary friend named Roger.  He was a cool guy and we hung out a lot. He was a firefighter, owned a dog, and lived in an envelope (which, to this day, I can’t really explain).  My parents would see me talking to thin air and ask what I was doing.…

The Church is Body Positive
By Parker B.  •  February 23rd, 2021

In 1564 Pope Pius IV ordered that the nude figures in Michelangelo’s masterpiece “The Last Judgement” be covered up. The work is iconic and stunning and sits squarely in the center of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. To many, the image was crude and shocking. They saw no reason for so much of the naked…

Moving In: Should We Live Together Before Getting Married?
By Parker B.  •  November 24th, 2020

It seems like a normal idea today. You’ve been dating for a while, things are getting serious, and finances are getting tight. You’re looking for a roommate so why not move in with the person you love?  Moving in with the person you’re dating seems to be a common thing that few object to today.…

Okay, Seriously… What is Chastity?
By Parker B.  •  July 2nd, 2020

Quick, what is chastity? Take a moment to legitimately think about what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word chastity. Is it something beautiful? Ugly? Repressive? Outdated? Sacrificial? A friend of mine once asked a group of 7th graders what chastity was. A deafening silence fell across the room as…


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