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Dominic Figueroa is a 2013 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with a B.A. in Theology. He grew up in Northern California, and is one of eight siblings. He has been actively engaged in the Pro-life movement his entire life. Dominic first encountered CP through the invitation of a college friend to visit their team in LA. After a few years of "God-encounters" with CP, Dominic became convinced that Jesus was calling him to proclaim the importance of human dignity and sexual integrity to his peers as a CP missionary. “Restoring our culture begins with one heart at a time—starting with my own. Restoring our culture begins when I give all that I am to becoming a saint.”

All Articles by
Dominic Figueroa
You Are Loved
By Dominic Figueroa  •  August 15th, 2019

Have you ever felt like your life really doesn’t matter? Like it’s just a mindless maze? What’s the purpose to any of it anyway? This may very well be the way you feel or have felt at some point in your life. I too have felt lost. I too have felt like I wasn’t going…

Marriage: God’s Design or Man’s Design?
By Dominic Figueroa  •  July 16th, 2019

On June 26, 2015, Obergefell v. Hodges ruled that the United States of America would recognize same-sex unions as a constitutional right. The Supreme Court of America redefined marriage, and made the claim that this new form of marriage is protected by our Constitution. The judges who voted “yes” claimed that it was legal under…

More than Animals
By Dominic Figueroa  •  June 22nd, 2019

During a chastity talk, a young man asked me, “What are we supposed to do with our animal instincts?”, as if to say we’re not any different than animals, and can do whatever we want. I will not forget the sinking feeling in my heart. This young man saw his own sexual desires as no…

What Every Girl Should REALLY Know
By Dominic Figueroa  •  May 28th, 2019

In 1916, Margaret Sanger published What Every Girl Should Know,  which addressed young women about their femininity and fertility. This book promotes a culture of “use”, where our bodies become mere instruments to be manipulated for whatever outcome we desire while masquerading under the banner of liberation and freedom. That book title made me think.…

Healing the Culture
By Dominic Figueroa  •  April 27th, 2019

I remember asking patients who would come to the doctor office, “What brings you in today?” To which a string of replies would follow: headache, runny nose, joint pain, abdominal pain, etc.  In order to get to make a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, medical professionals need to know what the problem is, its symptoms,…

Is It Too Late For Me?
By Dominic Figueroa  •  March 27th, 2019

A college student approached me and asked if we could talk. We sat down and he began to tell me about how he was actively involved in the hook-up culture. He would go to bars, meet women, get drunk, and wake up with them the next day wondering what had happened. He told me, “I…

Love is Stronger than Death
By Dominic Figueroa  •  March 5th, 2019

Love is the Greatest Legacy I will never forget the moment when I sat in the pew at the funeral mass of my grandfather watching my uncles walk down the long aisle with his casket. I watched my family mourn at his loss. I remember adding my own tears to theirs. This was my first…

By Dominic Figueroa  •  February 19th, 2019

Growing up, my entire year revolved around Christmas. I counted the days and months in relation to how close it was to December 25th. Who doesn’t like wrapped gifts under a lighted tree? Who doesn’t like all the parties and time with family? The worst day of the year was the day after Christmas. The…


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