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Remembering David Sao. June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024
June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024

You are Not a Cosmic Accident

April 12th, 2022
By Brenna Dillon read
Posted in Human Dignity

Did you ever hear those fairytale stories about how babies come into existence, like the stork that dropped Dumbo off to his mom in swaddling blankets? Well for me, I grew up believing that the FedEx shipping company dropped me off on my birthday. This was something my sister told me all of the time; convincing me that I just appeared one day. It felt like I wasn’t planned for but rather a surprise. When I asked my parents the question about whether or not I was an “oopsie” baby, they never gave me a clear answer. So as a young kid, I started to believe that I wasn’t really ‘meant to be’ or special, but rather that I was a mere accident. 

We are told so often in our culture today that babies just happen accidentally or that they are a poor consequence of our actions. Along with that, pregnancy is looked at as a shock and an inconvenience after having sex casually. Our culture has forgotten the original purpose of sex and the superpower that women have which is to bring literal life into the world. Regardless of the reaction that our parents or siblings might have when finding out they’re pregnant, you, my friend were not a cosmic accident. 

You are wanted and you are made good. 

From the moment of your conception, God willed every ounce of detail about you into existence. When 23 chromosomes from your mom and 23 chromosomes from your dad come together to form you, your inherent DNA is formed. Before you are even able to be seen by the naked eye, the color of your hair and eyes, your smile, how tall you are going to be, and your skin color, are already hand-picked for you. There are no accidents there. 

God didn’t simply breathe you into existence at a random moment and time. He thought you were so necessary and infinitely valuable that He breathed you into existence specifically to live during this time. We don’t just magically get dropped off by the FedEx man or a stork from the sky. In reality, the odds of us existing are extremely low. Think about your family tree. If two people in your family tree never met, got married, or had children you may have never been born. 

Do you realize how rare you are?! If it isn’t clear enough consider this: the probability of you existing is as if every person in the city of San Diego, which would be about 2 million people, rolled 20 sided dice all at the same time and each of those dice landed on the same number at the same time. There are no accidents there. 

If it was true that we were merely accidents, then what would that say about God Himself? In Genesis, God claimed everything was good until He made male and female in His image and likeness and said “it was very good”. This is an important distinction because in the Garden of Eden God established that we have dominion over the birds in the air and the animals in the land because we have been made in His image and likeness unlike any other creature created. As daughters, God deemed us as the crown of creation, and as men, he deemed you, in a particular way, to reveal the Father. In His creative nature, God designed us with great complexity and uniquely unrepeatable. Never before and never again will there be another you. 

Because of how intricately we have been made and chosen by God, we can never be unwanted or unlovable. Nothing will ever change this. You don’t just simply gain value when you achieve something great and you don’t lose any value when mistakes and sins are committed. However, lies can formulate within our hearts that tell us that when we do fail we become unwanted or unlovable. Unfortunately, these lies are often confirmed by our family members who we believe love us the most. 

This is not how God sees us. You are infinitely wonderful and lovable. God simply delights in us because we are His sons and daughters. So much so that He sent His only son to die a brutal death on a cross so that we might be reunited with Him in heaven. He couldn’t bear the reality that you might not be reunited with Him one day in heaven. Even if you were the only man or woman left on earth, He still would have sent His son to save you.  

Although it truly is hard to truly believe that we are lovable and wonderfully made, especially on days we feel the most insecure, it’s necessary. It’s necessary to believe that we, regardless of the opinions of others, have been made in His image and in His likeness, that there is nothing that can separate us from the Father, and that we have been made good. God did not merely will you into existence by accident. You, my friend, are wanted, needed, and chosen. 

About the Author

Brenna is a 2021 graduate of the University of Kansas with a BSJ in Strategic Communications. She grew up in Kansas and always had a fondness for friendship. Brenna met CP through her mentor who helped reveal to her what it means to be known, seen and loved. Through the CP human dignity messages, she was convicted that every young person deserved to know that there is more than what the culture is offering them. Though Brenna felt the call to be a missionary during her sophomore year of college, she was able to finally say 'yes' to giving a year of her life to serve God's little children through the CP mission. "I became a missionary to change the culture and so no more young people would have to suffer from a broken world."

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