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A Call to Action

January 22nd, 2021
Kari Hoeft
By Kari Hoeft read
Posted in Culture

As my friends and I stepped out of my car, I was unsure what to expect. It was one of my first times praying outside of an abortion clinic, and I was a bit apprehensive. I had always supported the pro-life movement, but this was a new way of showing it. Standing up for what you believe is not the easiest thing to do, and I was about to witness in a very public way. Bracing myself for this, I took in a deep breath of cold winter air and said a quick prayer.

Recognizing that we couldn’t stand by my car forever, my friends and I tentatively walked over to a small group huddled together. An older gentleman greeted us along with two women. They were regulars, taking shifts so someone was always outside the clinic. With the way they reacted to our presence, you would have thought it was Christmas morning! They gushed in excitement to have young people there.

While I was grateful for their welcome, this reaction was unsettling. Why was five young adults showing up a big deal? Are there really no young people witnessing to life? And if so, why?

Maybe young people are feeling the same way I was. Scared of what others will think. Afraid of being yelled at and rejected. Unsure of the difference they are making. These are all real concerns, BUT we have to move beyond them

Young people need to make their pro-life stance known in this volatile battle. The women and men walking into the abortion clinics are like us. If we are not out there to give them support, they will go looking for another solution. We need to be an undeniable force of love in the face of abortion.

Sometimes, just witnessing changes hearts. Pro-choicers and those seeking an abortion may have never encountered someone our age who supports a different way. A way that honors life. A way that respects both the mother and father. A way that goes against what the culture loudly proclaims as the solution. Seeing a young person outside of an abortion clinic can impact people in a way you may never know. 

While we may not see the fruits of our presence and prayer, know that something is being done. People driving by may think twice about their stance. Women seeking an abortion may change their minds. Clinic workers may have a transformation of heart. You never know how the Lord will work through you!

These are all things I tried to keep in mind as I witnessed outside of the abortion clinic that day. They are also the things that continually bring me back. This kind of witness may seeming daunting to you, and that’s ok! Work your way out of your comfort zone by trying the following tasks:

  1. Be knowledgeable. Read books such as Persuasive Pro-life by Trent Horn and Love Unleashes Life by Stephanie Gray. Resources like these will help you understand and defend the pro-life position.
  2. Advocate for change. This can be done in several ways. Call government representatives. Support or volunteer at pregnancy crisis centers. Start a pro-life group at your school or campus. Things won’t change unless we make our voices heard and do something. 
  3. Gather a group to pray outside of an abortion clinic. Standing up for life is hard to do alone, so having the support of friends in encouraging. Be sure to follow all the rules (e.g. stay on the sidewalk, don’t step on the abortion clinic’s property, etc.). Ask an experienced side-walk advocate if you are unsure about proper protocol.
  4. Pray for men and women to choose life. There are many reasons someone may choose to have an abortion. We need to intercede for them to choose life, regardless of their situation. Ask God to provide for the parent’s needs and for the health and protection of the unborn. 

While I encourage you to do all these things, I want to leave you with this.You don’t have to know all of the pro-life arguments. You don’t need a sign. You don’t even have to speak. All that’s required is your peaceful, prayerful presence. That’s all it takes. 

So young people, let’s get out there and witness to life!

Kari Hoeft
Kari Hoeft

About the Author

Kari Hoeft is a 2018 graduate of the College of St. Benedict/St. John's University with a BA in Liturgical Music and Theology. She grew up on a farm in Central Minnesota with her family of eight where she fell in love with playing piano, any and all sports, and ice cream. The invitation to live a life fully alive drew her to the Culture Project, and this is her first year as a missionary. "The Culture Project's message reached the depths of my heart and answered many of my life’s most profound questions, and I want other young men and women to experience that same awakening."

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