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Remembering David Sao. June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024
June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024

We Are Called To Be Fearless!

April 14th, 2020
By Myra Gonzalez read
Posted in Human Dignity

“I am not afraid because God is with me. I was born for this” – St. Joan of Arc

I never knew that jumping off the ledge of a 6 foot picnic table into a stream of rushing water would teach me one of life’s very important lessons! We are called to be FEARLESS.

It was 11:30pm on a rainy and cold night in Steubenville, OH and I was hanging out with some friends when one of my friends said, “I think we should drive to Panhandle and jump into the river?!” Everyone, but me thought it was a fantastic idea. My friends and I ran to get swimsuits and we hopped into the car and drove to this place. I remember thinking to myself what am I doing? It is raining, there is lightning, this can’t be safe. As my friends were jumping into the rushing stream one after the other they were waiting for me to jump. In my nervousness and embarrassment I said, “guys I can’t do this! I am afraid to drown, plus I am not the best of swimmers, this is a terrible idea.” One of the guys that came along I had just met that night and he looked at me and said, “Myra, you don’t have to be afraid, when you jump I will be right in front of you in case anything happens, I promise I won’t let you drown.” I looked at him and thought, who do you think you are, I just met you and now you think I have to trust you with my life? NO!” (Haha you might have been thinking this is the moment I fell in love but no lol) Something in me was telling me to trust, and I didn’t feel peer pressure, but it was this sense of fearlessness. I looked at my friends and the guy I had just met and I said, Ok, promise me you won’t let me drown!? I got up on the table and on the count of three I jumped and the guy I had just met was there to make sure I made it out alive. I jumped and I felt so alive at that moment. I looked around and every single one of my friends gathered around me and said, “We knew you could do it!” I smiled and thought to myself wow I was fearless all it took was a little bit of courage. 

How many times do we find ourselves afraid to take that leap of faith? Afraid to jump into the unknown. You are probably thinking of the many things you have held onto out of fear. Maybe it’s staying in a relationship that is toxic just because it’s become “comfortable”. So have the courage to break up from a toxic relationship, have hope that the Lord will grant you the desires of your heart. Have faith that He will answer your prayers in His perfect timing with exactly what you need. Maybe you are hearing the Lord clearly speak into an area of your life where He is inviting you to trust Him but you are afraid of the “what ifs”. These are normal and very human struggles but let me reassure you of these words that St.JP2 said, “Do not be afraid, then, when love makes demands. Do not be afraid when love requires sacrifice”. All in all wherever He is leading you do not be afraid and remember that you were born for this!

About the Author

Myra heard of the Culture Project through a video she saw at a young adult conference. She was moved by the message in 2014 & thought to herself maybe one day that could be me helping make a change in a world that's in dire need! Growing up in beautiful CA, Myra decided to take a leap of faith and transfer to Franciscan University in 2017 and graduated in Dec of 2018 with a BA in Theology. Myra answered the call from Christ to apply and become a Culture Project missionary because of the desire and hope to see a culture restored. Myra hopes to continue to be a light to the people she will encounter and that her story and the Culture Projects message will change the heart & minds of many.

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