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Remembering David Sao. June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024
June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024

What does it mean to be a Catholic Millennial?

February 29th, 2020
Genesis Gutierrez
By Genesis Gutierrez read
Posted in Culture

There are people who will tell you what being a Catholic means, and I’m sure by now you’ve heard it all. Some will say we aim to control women’s rights, that we hate those within the LGTBQ+ community, or that we worship Mary and the saints.

It can be so easy to believe these lies of what the world, our peers, or our family tells us we are. Now more than ever, we need to be reminded of who we really are, and live in that truth.

Being a Catholic millennial starts with being Catholic. Too often we see or know people who are Catholic by name but don’t live it out day by day. That too often being Catholic for them means making sure they go to mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. By doing that we are gipping ourselves from the beauty and richness that is found in living out our faith. 

Now, I’m not going to sugar coat things and say that being Catholic means that people will respect you, love you, and treat you with kindness, because that would be a lie. “If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also”. Being Catholic will mean you will be made fun of, you will be labeled as someone who does anything but love people, and so much more. However, no matter how difficult it may be, it is completely worth it. When people try to tell you who you are as a catholic remind them of who you are in how you encounter. Reality is we could sit someone down and explain to them in detail what Catholics believe, and for some that make just work. However, what I’m suggesting is we begin at the basics with how we encounter people. 

Being a Catholic millennial, especially in today’s world is difficult and one of the best ways we can combat our culture is to encounter them with love. Show them we are Catholic by how we look them in the eyes, and listen. Show them we are Catholic by how we stand up when we see dehumanization take place. Show them we are Catholic by how you choose to love those who want nothing to do with you simply because you are Catholic and the morals you abide by. 

We need your voice, the world needs your voice. We are in need of young people to rise up and to live our their faith, to stand up for the faith, and to encounter people with love. 

If you have questions about the faith, and even if questions that have been brought on by the what people are telling you, you are then that is good. It is good you have questions because the Church has answers. Speak to a catholic you admire, speak to a priest, look up answers in the catechism. There are many opportunities to seek the answers to your questions. Knowledge is power! 

Being a Catholic millennial starts with being catholic, and how we encounter those around us. Your voice matters, and it is needed now more than ever.

Genesis Gutierrez
Genesis Gutierrez

About the Author

Genesis Gutierrez is a 2017 graduate from Kent State University with a BA in American Sign Language to English Interpreting. While she was heavily involved in the Deaf community and her church's local youth group, she felt called to do something more. After being recommended to apply to The Culture Project through her sister and others, she gave in and took the plunge. She felt called to pursue something beyond the ordinary work she had done, and to dedicate a year to speaking the true she so longed to hear in her high school years. She said "yes" to devoting her time to make sure our youth of today know their worth is not found in this world, and a life fully alive in virtue is a life well lived. "The message of our dignity as people is what drew me to this mission. I want to speak to younger versions of myself, to give them the hope I searched so long for"

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