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Remembering David Sao. June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024
June 23, 1984–December 26, 2024

Are you too picky?

March 14th, 2019
Genesis Gutierrez
By Genesis Gutierrez read
Posted in Culture

You know what I’m tired of. I’m tired of getting the same reaction from people when I tell them I’ve never had a boyfriend. What. You’ve never heard of a twenty two year old who has never had a boyfriend? It’s always the same reaction. “Why haven’t you?”. Then comes the questions they’re thinking but won’t ask. Do guys not like you? Are you too picky?

The issue isn’t me honey. I’ve had plenty of interests, and that’s the problem. Interests and not pursuing. It’s easy for a guy to fall in love with the surface and flirt, hang around and be around what’s surface level. Women need men that are willing to go to the depths and see what lies underneath.

A man to pursue. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been hung up on the surface level stages of interests. Thinking oh yes this guy will definitely be a future boyfriend or even just a couple of dates to see if we’re compatible. Nope. I remember thinking to myself, “maybe it’s time. Things take time, building up to getting to know someone takes time”. Yet I see it with friends and others that when a guy truly is wanting to pursue a girl he recognizes time and doesn’t want to waste a second of it. He pursues by asking a girl on a date to get to know her more. Who she is, what makes her laugh and goes beneath the surface.

So it’s not on you girl. You’re not the issue. You don’t have to change. This is a call to call our brothers to pursue us women. Go to the depths, see what’s beyond the surface. Like any ocean, while the surface is beautiful even at an aerial view, what lies beneath can leave you breathless. Imagine those who go scuba diving. They’re taken away by the world of beauty, silence, and undersea amazement they find beneath the surface.

This blog doesn’t serve as a target of hate, finger wagging, or to tell of all the ways men have failed the standard of being as good of a man as St. Joseph was. I know this culture has led us men and women to believe that the dating scene right now is just fine. I can’t tell you how many women I’ve heard tell me their stories of their hurt by guys who fall in love with only the surface. How about men who are hurt by women who don’t communicate their expectations, or tell men what they want. I’ve heard it from my brothers on mission of their disappointment to find they’ve been strung along solely to fill the emotional gap in a woman’s life.

Women are an ocean. Captivating, beautiful, and underneath have a breathtaking view you could only see if you take the plunge, and go to the depths.

Genesis Gutierrez
Genesis Gutierrez

About the Author

Genesis Gutierrez is a 2017 graduate from Kent State University with a BA in American Sign Language to English Interpreting. While she was heavily involved in the Deaf community and her church's local youth group, she felt called to do something more. After being recommended to apply to The Culture Project through her sister and others, she gave in and took the plunge. She felt called to pursue something beyond the ordinary work she had done, and to dedicate a year to speaking the true she so longed to hear in her high school years. She said "yes" to devoting her time to make sure our youth of today know their worth is not found in this world, and a life fully alive in virtue is a life well lived. "The message of our dignity as people is what drew me to this mission. I want to speak to younger versions of myself, to give them the hope I searched so long for"

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